Product Management

About a year ago, I came across a tweet (FYI: Twitter is one of my favourite apps) about a book called: How to Product launched on Product Hunt. I had a vague idea of product management, and I decided to download the book out of curiosity. The book features 25 exciting stories about how Product Managers from various companies got their break into product management.

How to Product Book ~ Sefunmi Osinaike

How to Product Book ~ Sefunmi Osinaike

About a month later, I was helping a friend prepare for the behavioural interview for a Product Manager role. Shortly after that, I got an email from the book author: Sefunmi Osinaike, who hosted a session about how to get product management experience. The coincidental happenings of the two events were why I elected to attend the session, which resulted in me enrolling in the How To Become a Product Manager (Beta) course.

The course was six weeks long and covered the product management fundamentals: problem definition, user research, design, MVP development, agile practice, launch and metrics. The best thing about the course was the hands-on experience where Product Managers were matched with a designer and software engineer to develop a product (at least an MVP) and present at “demo day.” You can read about my experience during the course in this post.

The course has been renamed Co.Lab with three tracks: Product Management, Product Design and Software Development. Though I completed the session at the end of September 2020, I have continued working on my fun side project: Gift’d, a gift generator application. I have enjoyed working on this fun project that came with its challenges, and I will post what I have learned on this journey.


HoWB Award